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Announcements of graduate/PhD/postdoctoral fellowships and other contracts related to quantum thermodynamics.

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Post-doc and PhD position in Nonequilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics YSF team, Daejeon, South Korea
March 1, 2019 , Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea

Applications are invited for one Post-doc and one PhD position in the newly founded Nonequilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics group at the center for theoretical Physics of Complex Systems (PCS), Institute for Basic Science (IBS) in Daejeon, South Korea. The group is fully funded by the IBS Young Scientist Fellowship (YSF) and is lead by Dr. Juzar Thingna (email:

PhD position: "Optical Generation of Force and Motion with Quantum Fluids of Light"
Feb. 20, 2019 , Institut Néel, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Grenoble, France

- Supervisor: Dr. Maxime RICHARD (DR CNRS);, - Funding : 36 months grant via the “Quantum Engineering Grenoble” Network. - Profile: The candidate must have a taste in experimental photonics, numerical data analysis, and the physics of light in general. Notion in the relevant subjects, and/or experimental spectroscopy are a plus. A good academic record of accomplishment is required.

Post doctoral position in Quantum Thermodynamics at Institut Néel, Grenoble, France
Feb. 1, 2019 , Institut Néel, Grenoble, France

A post-doctoral position is available to work on the theory and modeling of coherent quantum engines and quantum Maxwell’s demons in cavity quantum electrodynamics devices. The research will be conducted in the theory group of A. Auffèves (Institut Néel, Grenoble), in close collaboration with the experimental groups of P. Senellart (C2N, Orsay) and I. Dotsenko/M. Brune (LKB, Collège de France).

Postdoctoral position
Jan. 17, 2019 , Nanophysics Center, School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik University

A postdoctoral position, for 3 years, is available at Reykjavik University, on thermoelectric and heat transport in semiconductor core/shell nanowires, using theoretical and computational methods. The project will include modelling of the thermoelectric properties of arrays of Silicon nanowires fabricated by our group. Contact Andrei Manolescu or Sigurdur Ingi Erlingsson

Quantum thermodynamics in cavity QED
Jan. 1, 2019 , Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Collège de France

A post-doctoral position is available to develop and conduct experiments on quantum thermodynamics in a microwave cavity QED system with Rydberg atoms and high-Q superconducting cavities at Laboratoire Kastler Brossel (Dr. I. Dotsenko, Pr. M. Brune). The proposed research is included in the ANR project “QuDICE”, in collaboration with a theoretical group at Neel Institute (Dr. A. Auffèves, Grenoble, France) and an experimental group in the C2N laboratory (Dr. P. Senellart, Palaiseau, France).

Postdoc in topological optomechanics
Jan. 1, 2019 , University of Malta

The quantum group in Malta is looking to recruit an experienced postdoctoral researcher in the field of topological optomechanical devices. This project aims to investigate optomechanical arrays as a platform for the amplification, processing, and routing of phonons. It will feature close collaboration with Dr Vittorio Peano (Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen). Please contact André Xuereb <> for more information.

PhD Position at Institut Néel, Grenoble, France
Jan. 1, 2019 , Grenoble, France

The PhD project is part of the ITN “QUDOT-TECH” (, that aims to construct a platform for integrated on-chip quantum information processing including Quantum Dots-based single-photon sources, waveguides, nonlinearities and detectors implemented on a chip. QUDOT-TECH gathers leading European academic and industrial partners. The student will benefit from the strong consortium and of the vibrant environment of Grenoble for quantum technologies. Start date: 01/06/19

Faculty positions (Lecturer/Senior Lecturer)
Dec. 29, 2018 - Jan. 31, 2019 , Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Exeter

Two Lecturer/Senior Lecturer positions in theoretical or experimental Physics. Positions are limited to 5 years in the first instance. Similar previous appointees who have obtained significant grant income have become permanent in the same department. Note that also 'permanent' positions in the UK usually have a probationary period of 3-5 years with similar expectations. Seeking to recruit internationally recognised early-career physicists to join the department.

Postdoc positions at IFISC in Mallorca (2019-20)
Dec. 14, 2018 - Jan. 15, 2019 , Palma de Mallorca, Spain

Postdoctoral positions at IFISC (UIB-CSIC), Mallorca, Spain (1) One position associated to the project EpheQuCS (EMERGENT PHENOMENA AND DECOHERENCE IN QUANTUM COMPLEX SYSTEMS), lead by Roberta Zambrini. (2) Several 1+1 year open positions María de Maeztu junior Post-Docs

PhD position on "Mesoscopic Quantum Thermal Machines"
Dec. 1, 2018 , University of Geneva

A fully funded PhD position is available to work at the University of Geneva under the joint supervision of Dr. Géraldine Haack and Prof. Nicolas Brunner. The project will focus on investigating non-conventional dynamics of open quantum systems (strong coupling, non-Markovian effects) in the context of quantum thermal machines. It aims at establishing strong connections between quantum transport theory, quantum information and quantum thermodynamics.