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Announcements of conferences, workshops, schools, journals special issues and any other event related to quantum thermodynamics, in anti-chronological order.

To submit your event you need to register here and login; then follow the "send announcement" link in the dropdown menu "user panel".

Quantum Energy Initiative
Aug. 31, 2022 - Aug. 30, 2023 , online

Quantum technologies exploit quantum features to design machines more efficient than their classical counterparts. While the focus so far has been on their brute performance, the quantum energy initiative (QEI) aims to develop a systemic approach to keep in check their physical resource cost. This mandates new synergies between fundamental research, quantum and enabling technologies within a new international and interdisciplinary network. Please visit our website to know more!

Quantum thermodynamics and foundations @ Photon 2022
Aug. 30, 2022 - Sept. 2, 2022 , Nottingham, UK

"Quantum thermodynamics and foundations" is a topical session of Photon 2022. Photon 2022 is the eleventh conference in a biennial series covering optics and photonics and with an emphasis on quantum. This year the conference will be held as an in-person event with live streaming capabilities enabling participants to access the talks online. We warmly invite you to submit an abstract for the QTD topical session! Abstract submission deadline May 2, 2022

Conference on Quantum Information and Quantum Control IX
Aug. 29, 2022 - Sept. 2, 2022 , in person, Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada

The conference will have a mix of invited and contributed talks, and posters. It will include researchers at all stages of their careers from both academia and industry. Deadline for abstract submission is May 30th, 2022. This conference will bring together researchers from all aspects of Quantum Information Science & Technology, ranging from quantum algorithms and computing architectures to foundations and quantum thermodynamics, to quantum networks, to device characterization.

Mini-Colloquium IOP Conference Focus on Many-Body Physics in Quantum Thermodynamics
Aug. 21, 2022 - Aug. 26, 2022 , Manchester (hybrid format)

The goal of this Mini-Colloquuium is to foster discussions the role of many-body interactions in Quantum Thermodynamics. We would like to emphasize that the programme of this conference is built around a collection of “bottom-up” minicolloquia, conceived in a form that the majority of delegates, including young physicists, have an opportunity to orally present their work. We encourage you to submit an abstract. Deadline 30th of April 2022.

Mini-Colloquium on Emerging trends in many-body cavity quantum electrodynamics
Aug. 21, 2022 - Aug. 26, 2022 , Manchester Central Convention Complex, Manchester

The purpose of this mini-colloquium is to bring together diverse researchers of light-matter physics, condensed matter, and statistical physics to present and discuss emerging theoretical, numerical, and experimental results, to share ideas, and to understand and expand the scope of future research on the thermodynamics of many-body cavity QED systems. The abstract submission deadline is 15 May:

761. WE-Heraeus Seminar “Entropy and the Second Law of Thermodynamics"
July 14, 2022 - July 17, 2022 , Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany

This workshop will celebrate Clausius' 200th birthday in 2022 by exploring the recent developments in the experimental and theoretical investigations of the second law in various directions. We aim for an inspiring exchange between researchers from such diverse fields as information theory, cosmology, quantum physics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, physical chemistry and biophysics under the unifying framework of the second law. Full-board accommodation will be provided for all participants.

Quantum Thermodynamics Conference (QTD2022) - 27 June - 1 July 2022
June 27, 2022 - July 1, 2022 , online (Belfast hosted)

The programme of talks, poster sessions, and discussion sessions is now online. ## Those registered will have received updates. ## If you are not sure if you have registered yet, please do so again on ## Registration CLOSES on 27 May. ## It has been decided that the conference will be held entirely ONLINE. Looking forward to seeing you at the conference in ca 5 weeks!

Openness as a resource: Accessing new quantum states with dissipation
Jan. 31, 2022 - Feb. 4, 2022 , Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems , Dresden

Openness allows for mechanisms such as spontaneous relaxation and depolarization to disturb the dynamics of quantum systems and interfere with their, otherwise unitary, evolution. Yet openness is not exclusively a nuisance, it can also be used as a resource: Dissipative mechanisms can be employed to fight decoherence and thus stabilize quantum states which otherwise do not survive in the asymptotic limit. Alike, those can be utilized to convert heat stemming from a dissipative environment ...

CECAM Open Quantum
Jan. 17, 2022 - Jan. 19, 2022 , online

The online version of the workshop will comprise two invited talks each day, followed by a panel discussion where the audience can also participate. For the benefit of the community, we have decided to focus on one well-defined theme each day. These are: 1. Computational development of open quantum systems: Beyond Markovian master equations 2. Quantum thermodynamics and heat engines -- are they good for anything? 3. New directions (quantum AI, thermodynamics of many-body systems etc.)

QTD2021: Quantum Thermodynamics Conference 2021
Oct. 4, 2021 - Oct. 8, 2021 , online

The 2021 edition of the Quantum Thermodynamics Conference will be held online in October 4-8. For details about the scope of the event please visit the conference website: