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Announcements of graduate/PhD/postdoctoral fellowships and other contracts related to quantum thermodynamics.

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Postdoc position in the Quantum Non-Equilibrium Group, University of Exeter, UK
Dec. 1, 2018 - Dec. 13, 2018 ,

deadline: 12 December This is a long-term postdoc position for up to 4 years to work on a project in quantum/nanoscale thermodynamics theory. The applicant is expected to have expert knowledge in at least one of the following areas: quantum thermodynamics, open quantum systems theory, computational modelling of spin dynamics, stochastic thermodynamics, statistical physics and quantum information theory. Start mid-Jan 2019 or later start possible - to be discussed at interview.

PhD position in quantum thermodynamics at Trinity College Dublin
Nov. 29, 2018 - Jan. 15, 2019 , Trinity College Dublin

A fully funded PhD position for EU citizens is offered for a project on “SpeedDemon: Quantum speed limits in thermodynamic processes and coherent control” in the School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin. The work will be supervised by Dr. Steve Campbell through a Starting Investigator Research Grant from Science Foundation Ireland. Complete information available at:

Research Associate in Experimental Nanophysics
Nov. 12, 2018 - Jan. 5, 2019 , King's College London

The Levitated Nanophysics group at King’s College London is a new research team investigating the boundary between quantum physics and nanotechnology. We offer a 2 year ERC funded postdoctoral position for an experimental scientist. In this role, you will shape the new field of rotational optomechanics, with opportunities to develop technology as well as explore fundamental physics. Contact James Millen ( or visit for more information.

6-years Researcher Position at the Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies Group, Lisbon
Nov. 8, 2018 - Dec. 7, 2018 , Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies Group, at Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (Lisbon, PT)

The Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies Group, at Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (in Lisbon, Portugal), is opening a 6-years Researcher position, available to start in March 2019 (earlier also possible). The candidates need to have a PhD degree and research experience in at least one of the following areas: quantum information theory, quantum computation, quantum matter, quantum optics, quantum networks, quantum thermodynamics.

Post-doctoral Fellowship at IT, Lisbon, Portugal
July 19, 2018 - July 20, 2018 , Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies Group, at Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (Lisbon, PT)

The Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies Group, at Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (in Lisbon, Portugal), is seeking to hire a Post-doctoral Research Fellow. The position is available to start in January 2019 (earlier also possible), and is renewable beyond the first year. The candidates are expected to have research experience in at least one of the following areas: quantum information theory, quantum computation, open quantum systems, quantum matter, quantum gravity.

Post-doc position in quantum simulation of lattice Gauge theories in optical lattices
April 1, 2018 , Krakow - Poland and ICFO Barcelona

A post-doc position within Quantera project QTFLAG (Quantum Technologies for LAttice Gauge theories) in the group of Jakub zakrzewski(Krakow Poland) in close collaboration with Maciej Lewenstein (ICFO, Barcelona). For more details see

PhD position in "Quantum thermodynamics beyond the Markovian regime" at Trinity College Dublin
March 2, 2018 - March 31, 2018 , Trinity College Dublin

A fully funded PhD position in "Quantum thermodynamics beyond the Markovian regime" is available for a joint project between the School of Physics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, and the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of St Andrews, U.K. The work will be jointly supervised by Profs. Paul Eastham and John Goold in Trinity College Dublin, in conjunction with Dr. Brendon Lovett in the University of St Andrews.

Faculty position at the Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Exeter, Exeter UK
Feb. 19, 2018 - March 24, 2018 , University of Exeter, Exeter

Faculty position at the Department of Physics & Astronomy, University of Exeter, Exeter UK This is a Lecturer in Physics position (permanent following successful probation). Reference: P57296 Deadline: 15 March 2018 We are seeking to appoint an excellent scientist who adds to/complements our expertise in the Electromagnetic and Acoustic Materials (EMAG) research group

Presidential Academic Fellowship
Feb. 15, 2018 - April 3, 2018 , University of Manchester

New academic talents from across the world are being encouraged to apply for the University of Manchester Presidential Fellowships. The Fellowships are designed for early career academics who can deliver world-leading research and teaching, to become the inspiring leaders of the future. For full details, please visit Applications must be submitted by Tuesday, 3 April.

Research Fellow -- Ultracold Quantum Thermo-Machines
Feb. 11, 2018 - March 12, 2018 , University Of Birmingham

Using ultracold atoms, we are constructing thermo-machines operating at the genuine quantum level. The project aims at realizing an architecture where the working fluid of the engine is a single ultracold atom trapped in an optical tweezer, which acts as a piston. The heat bath is made of many atoms of a different species. Such prototype quantum engines hold the promises to become cornerstones in the burgeoning fields of quantum thermodynamics and quantum technologies.