Announcements of graduate/PhD/postdoctoral fellowships and other contracts related to quantum thermodynamics.
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Open PhD and Postdoc positions in Stockholm
Sept. 1, 2019 - Oct. 6, 2019 , Stockholm University
Postdoctoral and PhD positions at Aalto University
May 31, 2019 - June 6, 2019 , Quantum Computing and Devices Labs at Aalto University
PhD positions in non-equilibrium quantum many-body theory at the University of Mainz
May 22, 2019 , Institute of Physics, University of Mainz
Post-doc and PhD position in Nonequilibrium Quantum Thermodynamics YSF team, Daejeon, South Korea
March 1, 2019 , Center for Theoretical Physics of Complex Systems, Institute for Basic Science, Daejeon, South Korea
PhD position: "Optical Generation of Force and Motion with Quantum Fluids of Light"
Feb. 20, 2019 , Institut Néel, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), Grenoble, France
Post doctoral position in Quantum Thermodynamics at Institut Néel, Grenoble, France
Feb. 1, 2019 , Institut Néel, Grenoble, France
Postdoctoral position
Jan. 17, 2019 , Nanophysics Center, School of Science and Engineering, Reykjavik University
Quantum thermodynamics in cavity QED
Jan. 1, 2019 , Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Collège de France
Postdoc in topological optomechanics
Jan. 1, 2019 , University of Malta
PhD Position at Institut Néel, Grenoble, France
Jan. 1, 2019 , Grenoble, France