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Announcements of graduate/PhD/postdoctoral fellowships and other contracts related to quantum thermodynamics.

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PhD positions available within the QUantum Theory group at University od Palermo
July 10, 2024 , Quantum Theory group, Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Palermo

PhD positions available to work within the Quantum Theory group ( at the Department of Physics and Chemistry, University of Palermo. The candidate will investigate topics including the thermodynamic cost of quantum computing, and the development of a thermodynamic-based framework for the assessment of fundamental physics, with possible academia-industry partnerships. Interested candidates should get in touch as soon as possible by writing at the address

Postdoc position - Nonequilibrium statistical physics in quantum materials
May 29, 2024 , Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

We invite applications for a postdoctoral research position in nonequilibrium statistical physics and condensed matter theory within Matthias Geilhufe's group at Chalmers University of Technology. Our research focuses on quantum materials, exploring symmetry, topology, non-equilibrium dynamics, and stochastic processes. This opportunity is part of a broader research initiative on investigating material excitations far from equilibrium within the emerging field of ultrafast thermodynamics.

Doctoral student in Physics within the discipline of experimental nanothermodynamics
May 28, 2024 - June 14, 2024 , Department of Physics, Lund University, Sweden

This specific position focuses on conducting experimental investigations of heat fluctuations in nanoscale heat engines as a means toward demonstrating an energetic advantage of quantum systems over their classical counterparts, and further providing proof-of-concept groundwork for heat-management schemes in quantum technologies where waste heat generated during quantum operations could be converted into useful electrical energy.

PhD position on quantum thermodynamics and quantum control
April 25, 2024 , Dijon, France

We are looking for a PhD student to work at the intersection between quantum thermodynamics and quantum control. Central questions will envolve trade-off between energetic costs and performances of quantum operations in terms of precision, velocity, and robustness, as well as the developpment of optimal quantum control protocols. More details at

Doctoral student in theory for quantum thermodynamics in nanosystems
April 9, 2024 - April 30, 2024 , Physics department, Lund university, Sweden

The successful applicant will work broadly in theoretical quantum thermodynamics, with transport, fluctuations and correlations of energy and charge at the nanoscale, in open quantum systems. Measurement and control of such quantum systems is of particular interest. Cooperation with theoretical and experimental colleagues in the field is an important part of the position. The work will be performed in the research group led by Peter Samuelsson.

Postdoctoral Research Associate in Stochastic Thermodynamics with Levitated Particles
March 20, 2024 - April 22, 2024 , King's College London

We are looking for a theorist to join an experimental group studying stochastic thermodynamics with levitated microparticles - position duration 3-5 years. Contact

PhD position at Chalmers: Dynamics of spins and chiral phonons
March 11, 2024 - April 2, 2024 , Chalmers

We offer a four-year PhD position in the Geilhufe group at Chalmers. This opportunity is part of a research initiative on emergent magnetic phenomena due to the coupling of spin and laser-excited chiral phonons. The overarching goal is to derive coupling mechanisms between phonons and spin, e.g., based on inertial effects and estimate their strengths and impact in realistic setups. This information is crucial for understanding the complex phase diagram of materials outside of equilibrium.

Postdoc position at Chalmers: Ultrafast Thermodynamics
March 11, 2024 - April 8, 2024 , Chalmers, Gothenburg, Sweden

We offer a 2+1-year PostDoc position in the Geilhufe group at Chalmers. This opportunity is part of a research initiative centered on investigating thermodynamic properties in laser-excited materials. The overarching goal is to study the entropy and heat production associated with material excitations (such as phonons and magnons) in the presence of thermal and quantum noise. The goal is to use this information for understanding the complex phase diagram of materials outside of equilibrium.

Postdoctoral position on COMPLEX QUANTUM SYSTEMS at IFISC
Feb. 1, 2024 - Feb. 28, 2024 , Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems (IFISC), Mallorca, Spain

We offer a 2-years contract starting by fall 2024 (aprox.) associated to the project “CoCuSy” lead by PIs Prof. Roberta Zambrini, Dr. Gian-Luca Giorgi and Dr. Gonzalo Manzano. Project topics are (to focus preferably in two): Open Quantum Systems, Quantum Thermodynamics, Quantum Neural Networks, Quantum Reservoir Computing. Previous experience on the topics, scientific independence and ability to work in group will be valuable. See full announcement for application instructions.

PhD and Postdoc positions at the University of Helsinki
Jan. 26, 2024 - Feb. 14, 2024 , University of Helsinki

We offer 1 PhD (4 years) and 1 Postdoc (1 year + renewable up to 4) position at the University of Helsinki in the Helteq group led by Prof. Sabrina Maniscalco, starting in early 2024. The successful candidates will work on one (or more) of the following research topics in open quantum systems and thermodynamics: quantum thermalization; intersection between open quantum systems and thermodynamics; mathematical description of Lindblad master equations and their symmetries.